Courtyard Garden Design
The brief
Site: Sheltered garden of approx. 14 x 15 m. A 1.5m wall surrounds the site.
Moderate to low maintenance ‘Urban retreat’
Dining and entertaining area, particularly for the summer months
A water feature
A compost bin away from the house for kitchen and food waste
Herbs in pots - no desire for a vegetable garden
Outline plan
Design response
A contemporary woodland garden with a formal rill
Light is restricted within the garden. As such, the planting opts to run with the woodland feel, while enhancing existing light. This is achieved through the use of white-stemmed silver birch, reflective screens, water, and plenty of white and cream flowering structural planting. Gaps in the planting allow for light to reach the entertaining areas.
Entertaining in the garden
A large paved dining area sits close to the house in a sheltered position, catching the evening light for much of the year.
A second seating area is enclosed in the North West corner. This benefits from the morning sun and receives extra shelter and warmth from the walls. It is within earshot of the sound of gently running water from the water features. Both dining sites offer privacy and a view over the garden.
A low maintenance garden
Planters for the required herbs exist in both dining areas so that herbs can be planted as per their varied site requirements. Proximity to the house and daily coffee spots support the household to care for and pick the herbs. Borders are largely made up of low-maintenance trees, shrubs, and perennials. There is no lawn to upkeep.
Elevation of the Garden Design
Flow, style, and interest
The revealing scheme of the garden works from multiple key viewpoints and from whichever direction the garden is navigated. Each space is intended to relate to the next, drawing us on, through the water (sound or visual), paths, or views. Behind the sheet of water, a structure sits on top of the wall, framing / inviting in’ the borrowed landscape behind.
There is strong repetition in the planting and the use of natural materials, Yorkstone (in unity with the house) or gravel throughout. Colours are largely soft with occasional brighter pops in borders.
A wide path allows for quick and easy travel between the car/ property entrance and the house. The silver sculptural screen permits the garden from giving too much away at first sight.
Year-round interest is achieved through late autumn displays and early flowering of the Malus spp and Magnolia spp. Over winter, the water features, trees, sculptures and shapes of perennials (umbels, buttons, spires) come into their own.