Artspace Bio-diverse Green Roof
Design response
Bio-diverse roofs
All three areas feature a bio-diverse roof including contouring with shallow sloping mounds and deeper substrates to extend the choice of plants and create habitats for wildlife. Including an area of water for insects and birds.
Bat boxes
A bat population was thought to be longstanding within the warehouses on the industrial estate and at threat due to redevelopment. Bat boxes on a quiet side of the building with good light exposure, have been proposed.
Bug hotels
Bug hotels sited in optimum conditions behind the gables on the South-West side of the roof terrace. Made locally by site residents using reclaimed materials.
Pollinator-friendly planting
Planting will feature a diverse mixture of pollinator-friendly annuals and perennials with year-round interest, including a number of local species such as Cornflower, Devil’s-bit scabious, Viper’s bugloss and others recommended by the local Wildlife Trust.
The brief
Site: A renovated industrial building, now a community art space.
A flat roof strip runs around three sides of the building, in addition to two areas of flat foyer roofing.
Maximise these small areas to support valuable, ecologically rich and varied environments, providing food and shelter for invertebrates, insects and birds all year round.
A GRO compliant green roof system.
Achieved with a modest budget.
“Tessa was really thoughtful in her approach to the design, and has a good knowledge of planting for biodiversity and seasonal appeal. She asked the right questions and listened carefully.
The design is exactly what we want, and hopefully we’ll be able to raise the funds to make it happen!”